

CompeticiónFechaFecha pronósticoLocalVisitanteGrupoResultadoRegla de puntos
CofCs31/10/22 14:0031/10/22 14:00Mark "The Jester from Leicester"Lee Walker (a)Group 44:00 - 2 puntos
CofCs31/10/22 15:0031/10/22 15:00John "The Wizard of Wishaw"Hossein "The Persian Prince"Group 44:20 - 2 puntos
CofCs1/11/22 14:001/11/22 14:00Neil "The Thunder from Down Under"Fan "Fantastic"Group 33:40 - 2 puntos
CofCs1/11/22 15:001/11/22 15:00Kyren "The Warrior"Ryan "Dynamite"Group 33:40 - 2 puntos
CofCs2/11/22 14:002/11/22 14:00Judd "The Ace in the Pack"Luca "The Belgian Bullet"Group 14:20 - 2 puntos
CofCs2/11/22 15:002/11/22 15:00Mark "The Pistol"Joe "The Gentleman"Group 14:20 - 2 puntos
CofCs3/11/22 14:003/11/22 14:00Ronnie "The Rocket"Robert "The Milkman"Group 24:20 - 2 puntos
CofCs3/11/22 15:003/11/22 15:00Zhao "The Cyclone" (s)Mink NutcharutGroup 24:20 - 2 puntos